Sunday People
When the Daily Star dropped Beau Peep in December 1997, Roger and Andrew were signed up by the Mirror Group's 'Sunday People' newspaper.
Beau started in the People without any fanfare or promotion and, unbelievably there was no mention at all in their sister paper, the Daily Mirror -- even though Roger and Andrew produced 'Horace'for them.
A total of 51 x 2-bar strips ran in their colour magazine from March 1998 through to March 1999, and here are some of them:
The competition lines to win the original artworks have now closed, but you may still be charged. Calls from a mobile may be higher. Please ask the bill-payers permission blah blah blah..
The last strip ran on on 28/03/99 -- and the very next day Beau was back in the Daily Star.
Roger said:
This was the second time Beau appeared in The People's magazine supplement. The first run of strips started in January 1989: